vendredi 6 mars 2009

Puerto Calero Match Racing report n°1

Watching the leader board I’m a little bit frustrated. Very close in point to the top but only 5th.

With the time invest together and the relative lack of pointing it was a good performance in my prospective.

Area of improvement:

1/ Boat handling:
Very good job from you guys, just sweet. Need to be validate in all conditions of breeze and of course it is a endless process.

Something to work:
On the top of the G1 range we should organize the grinding to have the best power on Main and Genoa.
Tack needs to be improved and stabilized.
Some very good “gybe to roll”.
See if the “VMG gybe” can be improved by sailing lower and build the speed lower and slower.

2/ Speed of the boat:
With the speed of the last day of the fleet …

Sail choice:
Small kites for the match. Difficult to defend the gybe if the kite is too big.

3/ Strategy:
We started on the right side 70% of the time and that was strong in my view even in light air.
That boat has narrow angle to the wind even in the light breeze and the tack is painful then the right is strong.

Good to have Pieter on the navigation (boat to boat cross wind, laylines etc), strategy and talking relatives to the other boat.

4/ Boat to boat:
See below my lessons learned from the session. Happy to discuss the cases and build a shared play book.

5/ Training prospective:

On the next training session we should do some match race drills in order to be more comfortable especially on:
Dial up control.
Tacking duals (defense right side)
Down wind management, (roll and gybe or proper or take the right).

To look at the picture start from the bottom and click on it.
Sort by skipper.


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